Categories: GrammarQuizLand



1. I _______________ (miss/not) the plane if I __________ (leave) home earlier.
2. If Mr. Rich __________ (lose/not) the client’s number, he _______________ (call) him yesterday.
3. We _______________ (have) a picnic if it __________ (be) warmer.
4. Maggie _______________ (send) you a holiday postcard if she __________ (know) your address.
5. If Grace __________ (go) to university, she _____
__________ (study) medicine.
6. If we __________ (catch) the morning train, we _______________ (spend) more time with our grandchildren.
7. If I __________ (buy) that old house, I __________
_____ (wallpaper) the living room.
8. The Browns _______________ (return) home before dinner if they __________ (get/not) a flat tyre.
9. Joe _______________ (go) to the party if Susan __________ (invite) him.
10. Our neighbour _______________ (be/not) angry if her husband __________ (come back/not) after midnight.
11. If we __________ (know) that Henry was in hospital, we _______________ (visit) him.
12. Tony _______________ (fail/not) his biology exam if he __________ (study) harder.
13. My parents _______________ (get/not) married if they __________ (meet/not) at the university.
14. Karen _______________ (take) a taxi if she _______ ______ (lose/not) her wallet.
15. If my uncle __________ (go) to a music school, he _______________ (become) a famous pianist.
16. If I __________ (go) to bed earlier last night, I _______________ (be/not) so tired.
17. Larry _______________ (buy/not) another pair of shoes if they _________ (be/not) on sale.
18. If I __________ (know) the chocolate milkshake in the fridge was hers, I _______________ (drink/not) it.


1. If Michael __________ (work) harder, he __________ (get) better results.
2. If I __________ (live) in Italy, I __________ (eat) spaghetti every day.
3. Emma __________ (lose) weight if she __________ (stop) eating sweets and fast food.
4. If I __________ (win) a lot of money, I __________ (give) one third to charity.
5. If Linda __________ (have) some extra money, she __________ (buy) a new laptop.
6. If you __________ (drink/not) fizzy drinks, you __________ (be) much thinner.
7. If I __________ (have) more free time, I __________ (take to) playing golf.
8. We __________ (go) camping across Spain if we __________ (buy) a new tent.
9. If they __________ (have/not) an umbrella, they __________ (get) wet.
10. If Brenda __________ (feel) better, she __________ (stay/not) in bed all day.
11. I __________ (get) promoted if I __________ (come/not/always) late for work.
12. We __________ (go) to Italy on holiday if we __________ (save) enough money.
13. If Bobby __________ (be) older, he __________ (play) in the school baseball team.
14. Jason __________ (spend) all afternoon playing video games if he __________ (have to/not) do his homework.
15. George __________ (catch) the train if he __________ (hurry).
16. If our coach __________ (shout) at us, we __________ (be) very annoyed.
17. If we __________ (be) rich, we __________ (live) in a big detached house.
18. I __________ (take) a taxi if I __________ (miss) the last bus.


1. If Laura __________ (not/call) me tonight, I __________ (be) very disappointed.
2. We __________ (have) time for shopping if we __________ (meet) at 4.
3. If it __________ (rain), __________ (take) an umbrella.
4. Greg and Ann __________ (go) to Japan next summer if they __________ (save) enough money.
5. If you __________ (not/study) harder, you __________ (fail) your science exam.
6. If Peter __________ (drive) fast, he __________ (crash) his new car.
7. If I __________ (not/hurry), I __________ (miss) the bus to work.
8. If you __________ (find) my wallet, __________ (give) it back to me.
9. You __________ (go) to school tomorrow if the temperature __________ (fall).
10. If we __________ (miss) the train, we __________ (have) to wait for two hours.
11. If you __________ (eat) healthy food, you __________ (live) longer.
12. If your parents __________ (buy) you a dog, you __________ (have ) to walk him twice a day.
13. If we __________ (be) late again, the coach __________ (get) angry and __________ (shout) at us.
14. The Browns __________ (spend) a day at the beach if it __________ (be) hot and sunny.
15. ________ (go) to bed early if you (be) ______tired.
16. If you __________ (eat) lots of sweets, you __________ (have) cavities.
17. If I __________ (prepare) barbecue, __________ (you/come)?
18. If we __________ (not/protect) the giant panda, it __________ (die out).


1-If it _____________ (rain), the streets _____________ (get) wet.                                                           

 2-My mother __________ (get) angry when I ____________ (not do) my homework every day.

3- If you ________ (run) too fast, you ____________ (get) really exhausted.

4-I can’t __________________ (understand) Elizabeth when she _______________ (speak) so quickly.

5-If Madeleine _____________ (miss) the seven o’clock train, she __________ (be) late for work.

6- When you ___________ (turn on) an electric al appliance, the electricity meter __________ (go) up.

7- My little sister always ____________ (cry) when she ___________ (be) hungry.

8-When you ____________ (drink) too much alcohol, you sure ___________  (get) drunk. It’s dangerous.

9-The mountains _____________ (get) white when it _________________ (snow).

10-If you _______________ (don’t drink) enough water, you ____________ (become) dehydrated.

11-You ___________ (gain) weigh if you ____________ (eat) too much sugar and fried food.

12-When my mother ____________ (have) a toothache, she always ______________ (take) an aspirin.

13-If you _______________ (mix) red and blue, you ____________ (get) purple.                               

14-Plants ______________ (die) if they ______________ (not get) enough water.

15- If you ______________ (break) a leg, it _______ (hurt) and it’s very painful.

16- When my friends ___________ (tell) me an important secret, I never ___________ (tell) it to anyone.

17- You __________ (get) a substantial fine if you _______________ (not pay) your taxes.

18- If you __________ (not get) enough vitamins and iron, you __________ (suffer) from anaemia.







  1. I wouldn’t have missed the plane if I had left home earlier.
  2. If Mr. Rich hadn’t lost the client’s number, he would have called him yesterday.
  3. We would have had a picnic if it had been
  4. Maggie would have sent you a holiday postcard if she had known your address.
  5. If Grace had gone to university, she would have studied
  6. If we had caught the morning train, we would have spent more time with our grandchildren.
  7. If I had bought that old house, I would have wallpapered the living room.
  8. The Browns would have returned home before dinner if they hadn’t got a flat
  9. Joe would have gone to the party if Susan had invited
  10. Our neighbour wouldn’t have been angry if her husband hadn’t come back after midnight.
  11. If we knew that Henry was in hospital, we would have visited
  12. Tony wouldn’t have failed his biology exam if he had studied
  13. My parents wouldn’t have got married if they hadn’t met at the university.
  14. Karen would have taken a taxi if she hadn’t lost her wallet.
  15. If my uncle had gone to a music school, he would have become a famous pianist.
  16. If I had gone to bed earlier last night, I wouldn’t have been so tired.
  17. Larry wouldn’t have bought another pair of shoes if they hadn’t been on sale.
  18. If I had known the chocolate milkshake in the fridge was hers, I wouldn’t have drunk


  1. If Michael worked harder, he would get better results.
  2. If I lived in Italy, I would eat spaghetti every day.
  3. Emma would lose weight if she stopped eating sweets and fast food.
  4. If I won a lot of money, I would give one third to charity.
  5. If Linda had some extra money, she would buy a new laptop.
  6. If you didn’t drink fizzy drinks, you would be much thinner.
  7. If I had more free time, I would take to playing golf.
  8. We would go camping across Spain if we bought a new tent.
  9. If they didn’t have an umbrella, they would get
  10. If Brenda felt better, she wouldn’t stay in bed all day.
  11. I would get promoted if I didn’t always come late for work.
  12. We would go to Italy on holiday if we saved enough money.
  13. If Bobby were older, he would play in the school baseball team.
  14. Jason would spend all afternoon playing video games if he didn’t have to do his homework.
  15. George would catch the train if he hurried.
  16. If our coach shouted at us, we would be very annoyed.
  17. If we were rich, we would live in a big detached house.
  18. I would take a taxi if I missed the last bus.


  1. If Laura doesn’t call me tonight, I will be very disappointed.
  2. We will have time for shopping if we meet at 4.
  3. If it rains, take an umbrella.
  4. Greg and Ann will go to Japan next summer if they save enough money.
  5. If you don’t study harder, you will fail your science exam.
  6. If Peter drives fast, he will crash his new car.
  7. If I don’t hurry I will miss the bus to work.
  8. If you find my wallet, give it back to me.
  9. You will go to school tomorrow if the temperature falls.
  10. If we miss the train, we will have to wait for two hours.
  11. If you eat healthy food, you will live
  12. If your parents buy you a dog, you ill have to walk him twice a day.
  13. If we are late again, the coach will get angry and will shout at us.
  14. The Browns will spend a day at the beach if it is hot and sunny.
  15. Go to bed early if you are
  16. If you eat lots of sweets, you will have
  17. If I prepare barbecue, will you come?
  18. If we don’t protect the giant panda, it will die out.


1-If it rains (rain), the streets get (get) wet.

2-My mother gets (get) angry when I don’t do (not do) my homework every day.
3- If you run (run) too fast, you get (get) really exhausted.
4-I can’t understand (understand) Elizabeth when she speaks (speak) so quickly.
5-If Madeleine misses (miss) the seven o’clock train, she is (be) late for work.
6- When you turn on (turn on) an electric al appliance, the electricity meter goes (go) up.
7- My little sister always cries (cry) when she is (be) hungry.
8-When you drink (drink) too much alcohol, you sure get (get) drunk. It’s dangerous.
9-The mountains get (get) white when it snows (snow).
10-If you don’t drink (not drink) enough water, you become (become) dehydrated.
11-You gain(gain) weigh if you eat (eat) too much sugar and fried food.
12-When my mother has (have)a toothache, she always takes (take) an aspirin.
13-If you mix (mix) red and blue, you get (get) purple.
14-Plants die (die) if they don’t get (not get) enough water.
15- If you break (break) a leg, it hurts(hurt) and it’s very painful.
16- When my friends tell (tell) me an important secret, I never tell (tell) it to anyone.
17- You get (get) a substantial fine if you don’t pay (not pay) your taxes.
18- If you don’t get (not get) enough vitamins and iron, you suffer (suffer) from anaemia.


Mine Gürtop

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