– Have to, must, should – Gerunds, infinitives
– Future tense – Ever, since, for
1. “Why have you got so much food?”
“Because I _____ a meal for two people.”
A) cook
B) am going to cook
C) will cook
D) had cook

2. “Jane told me you have a place at university.”
“That’s right. I _____ math at St. Andrews in Scotland.”
A) studied
B) will study
C) study
D) am going to study

3. “My car isn’t working.”
“Ask Joe to look at it. He _____ you.”
A) will help
B) helps
C) is going to help
D) helped

4. “I passed my driving test!”
“That’s great! I _____ some champagne to celebrate!”
A) am going to buy
B) will buy
C) bought
D) am buying

5. “Why have you got your old clothes on?”
“Because I _____ the grass.’
A) had cut
B) cutted
C) am going to cut
D) cut

6. He’s worked there _____ many years, _____ 1988, I believe.
A) since / ever
B) for / ever
C) for / since
D) ever / never

7. I have _____ loved anyone as much as I love you.
A) never
B) since
C) for
D) ever

8. We’ve known Paul _____ two years. Have you _____ met him?
A) since / for
B) since / ever
C) for / ever
D) never / ever

9. I’ve known him _____ we went to school together, but I’ve _____
met his parents.
A) ever / ever
B) for / never
C) since / for
D) since / never

10. Your hair’s too long. I think you _____ get it cut.
A) have to B) should C) * D) will

11. Your clothes smell, and you’ve got a cough. You _____ smoke.
A) don’t have to
B) should
C) shouldn’t
D) have to

12. I’m going to bed. I _____ be up early tomorrow.
A) should
B) shouldn’t
C) don’t have to
D) have to
13. I’d like to meet your boyfriend. You _____ invite him round.
A) must
B) have to
C) would
D) don’t have to

14 I _____ tell my parents where I am, then they don’t worry.
A) should
B) don’t have to
C) have to
D) shouldn’t

15. You _____ come with me if you don’t want to. I’ll go on my own.
A) don’t have to
B) must
C) should
D) shouldn’t

16. Our train leaves in two minutes! We _____ hurry.
A) would
B) have to
C) must
D) don’t have to

17. If you need some help with your homework, you _____ go to the
A) should
B) mustn’t
C) have to
D) shouldn’t
18. If you’ve got a ticket, you _____ queue. You can go straight in.”
A) shouldn’t
B) don’t have to
C) have to
D) should

19. You _____ tell lies. It’s wrong.
A) don’t have to B) should
C) have to D) shouldn’t
20. Geoff works too much. I think he _____ take it easy.
A) must
B) have to
C) should
D) don’t have to

21. My bedroom is a real mess. I _____ clean it.
A) have to
B) must
C) don’t have to
D) should

22. There’s a wonderful new restaurant opened in town. You _____ go
A) shouldn’t
B) must
C) don’t have to
D) should

23. You can borrow my tennis racquet, but you _____ keep it very well.
It was very expensive.
A) don’t have to
B) should
C) must
D) have to

24. It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow. I _____ buy her a present.
A) must
B) have to
C) shouldn’t
D) don’t have to

25. Joanna Trollope _____ a lot of books. She _____ her first in 1980.
A) wrote / wrote
B) has written / wrote
C) had written / wrote
D) wrote / had written

26. I _____ in London for eight years, and I don’t want to move.
A) live
B) lived
C) had lived
D) have lived

27. What is the weather _____ in January?
A) likes
B) like
C) liked
D) don’t like
John Frantz is American. He has a wonderful lifestyle and he wants__(28)__ it with an English girl. He enjoys __(29)__ on exotic holidays, but he wouldn’t like __(30)__ outside the United States. He hopes __(31)__ an English wife through the English Rose dating agency. He’d like __(32)__ someone who likes __(33)__.

A) sharing
B) share
C) shared
D) to share

A) to go
B) went
C) going
D) to going

A) living
B) to live
C) live
D) lives

A) to find
B) found
C) finding
D) to be founded

A) meets
B) to met
C) meeting
D) to meet

A) traveling
B) traveled
C) travel
D) to traveling
34. You _____ have a driving license if you want to drive a car.
A) should
B) have to
C) have
D) had to

35. I don’t think people _____ get married until they’re 21.
A) have to
B) would
C) should
D) are

36. They liked the hotel because they _____ do any cooking.
A) have to
B) had to
C) should
D) didn’t have to

37. I _____ swim when I was three.
A) could
B) can
C) have to
D) must

38. She _____ work on Monday. It’s her day off.
A) must
B) doesn’t have to
C) have to
D) shouldn’t

39. You _____ sit so close to the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.
A) don’t have to
B) have to
C) shouldn’t
D) can

40. You _____ do the washing-up. I’ve got a washing machine.
A) should
B) have to
C) mustn’t
D) don’t have to

41. “I’m working 16 hours a day.”
“I think you _____ talk to your boss.”
A) have to
B) can
C) mustn’t
D) should

42. “I can’t sleep.”
“You _____ drink coffee at night.”
A) must
B) shouldn’t
C) don’t have to
D) have

43. “My friend is getting married.”
“I _____ go to the wedding.”
A) think you should
B) think you have to
C) think you can
D) think you may

44. “I’ve had a terrible toothache for weeks.”
“You _____ go to the dentist.”
A) have to
B) would
C) shouldn’t
D) should
45. Anne was upset because she didn’t _____ in the race. She really
wanted to win.
A) come last
B) go up
C) come first
D) turn out

46. We always _____ for our holidays.
A) go abroad
B) go off
C) go on
D) go away

47. I’m _____. There’s nothing to do.
A) annoyed
B) interested
C) kind
D) fed up

48. If you want to do well in life you _____ believe in yourself.
A) can
B) don’t have to
C) have to
D) should

49. If you want to keep fit, you _____ do some sport.
A) shouldn’t
B) have to
C) should
D) don’t have to

50. If you want to learn English, you _____ speak your language in English
A) should
B) don’t have to
C) must
D) shouldn’t


1-B 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-C 6-C 7-A 8-C

9-D 10-B 11-C 12-D 13-A 14-C 15-A 16-C

17-A 18-B 19-D 20-C 21-B 22-D 23-C 24-A

25-B 26-D 27-B 28-D 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-D

33-A 34-B 35-C 36-D 37-A 38-B 39-C 40-D

41-D 42-B 43-A 44-D 45-C 46-A 47-D 48-D

49-C 50-D

Mine Gürtop

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