Academic Reading 19

Through his friend John Stuart Mill, the English philosopher. Thomas Carlyle became interested in the French-Revolution and set to work on a monumental history. After five months of difficult work on this project, Cariyle completed the first volume and left it with Mill for criticism. While in Mill’s possession, the manuscript was accidentally burned by a maid lighting a fire. Mill was appalled when he discovered the loss and rushed to Carlyle’s house nearly frantic with grief. Carlyle did not utter a word of reproach but tried only to console his friend. After Mill had left, he said to his wife, “Mill, poor fellow, is terribly cut up. We must endeavor to hide from him how very serious this business is for us.” The three volumes of The French Revolution’ were finally published in 1837. The book was immediately successful. The days of struggle were over, and Cariyle took his place as a leading English writer. His other books followed one another at intervals of two to five years. Cariyle had a few “messages” that he continually repeated. He affirmed that work of all kinds is dignified and sacred. He thought that men must renounce personal happiness to obtain peace of mind. He believed that the world must be governed by “heroes” — strong, just men; consequently he felt that the people should put their faith in such men arid not in democracy. In his own day Carlyle exerted a strong influence on other writers, but today few people read Cariyle for what he had to say. The majority read his books for their majestic style and revealing flashes of his highly individual personality.
1- According to the story related in the passage, Carlyle reacted to the loss of his manuscript by ………. .
A) reproaching his friend severely
B) comforting his friend
C) dismissing the maid
D) arguing with his wife
E) running frantically to his friend’s house
2- After Carlyle had finished his three volume of ‘The French Revolution’, he ………. .
A) left it with his friend John Stuart Mill for proofreading
B) was devastated to find out that they had been burnt
C) fell out with his friend John Stuart Mill
D) published several other books
E) lost interest in history
3- In the opinion of the author, most people who read Carlyle today ………. .
A) are forced to do so as part of a history course
B) arc interested hi his valuable theories
C) do not believe in his “messages”
D) don’t understand why he was such a highly regarded writer
E) are students studying French literature
1. B
2. D
3. C