Although/even though /inspite of/despite

Although/even though /inspite of/despite

Although / Even though/ In spite of the fact that   Despite the fact that + clause


In spite of   /   Despite+ noun /Ving


Although /Even though /In spite of the fact that      /Despite the fact that  they were tired, the children went to play on the beach.


Despite/ In spite of  being tired, the children went to play on the beach.


1.Even though he had a headache, he managed to de well at the  test.(despite)

2.Despite ignoring the rules, he played handball excellently.(although)

3.In spite of the difficulty of the exams, she passed them.(even though)

4.Although it was raining, they went for a walk.(in spite of)

5.She married him although he was ugly.(despite the fact that)

6.In spite of looking for a new job, she couldn’t find one. (although)

7.I always wake up at 6.30 although I go to bed late. (in spite of)

8.She bought four kilos of lemons despite needing only two. (even though)

9.Although she was tired, she offered to help me.(despite)

10.Although I tried, I couldn’t forgive him. (in spite of)

1.Despite having a headache, he managed to do well at the test.

2.Although he ignored the rules, he played polo excellently.

3.Even though the exams were difficult, she passed them.

4.In spite of the rain, they went for a walk.

5.Despite the fact that he was ugly, she married him.

6.Although she was looking for a job, she couldn’t find one.

7.In spite of going to bed late, I always wake up at 6.30.

8.Even though she needed only two kilos of lemons, she bought four.

9.Despite being tired, she offered to help me.

10.In spite of trying, I couldn’t forgive him.




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