– Infinitive, gerund
– Describing feelings and situations
1. He agreed _____ the job as soon as possible.
A) start
B) starting
C) to start
D) starts
2. I stopped _____ my book and went to bed.
A) to read
B) read
C) will read
D) reading
3. My teachers always expected me _____ well in exams.
A) did
B) doing
C) do
D) to do
4. Let me _____ for the meal. You paid last time.
A) pay
B) to pay
C) paid
D) paying
5. The dentist told me _____ more careful when I brush my teeth.
A) will be
B) being
C) to be
D) be
6. I asked Monica _____ some stamps.
A) buys
B) buying
C) to buy
D) buy
7. I never liked _____ to church when I was a child.
A) going
B) to do
C) went
D) go
8. Have you finished _____ that letter yet?
A) to write
B) writing
C) writes
D) write
9. You can’t _____ your car outside the hospital.
A) parks
B) to park
C) park
D) parking
10. David always enjoyed _____ football at school.
A) to be played
B) playing
C) to play
D) play
11. The TV program was so _____ that I felt asleep.
A) tired
B) surprising
C) annoyed
D) boring
12. Children can’t get to sleep on Christmas Eve.
They’re too _____.
A) bored
B) excited
C) frightened
D) worrying
13. “Hi, Mum!”
“Carol! Thank goodness you rang! Where have you been? We’ve
been so _____ about you.”
A) interested
B) annoying
C) worried
D) frightening
14. A: Hello, darling. I’ve got a present for you.
B: For me?
A: Don’t look so _____. I often buy you presents.
B: But it isn’t my birthday!
A) bored
B) exciting
C) tiring
D) surprised
15. The art exhibition was very _____. I loved it.
A) surprised
B) boring
C) interesting
D) excited
16. My feet are killing me! I find going round art galleries and museums
very _____.
A) tiring
B) worrying
C) boring
D) frightening
17. Some people don’t go out at night because they’re _____ that
someone will rob them.
A) worried
B) annoying
C) surprised
D) frightened
18. Our financial situation is very _____. We spend more and more, but
we’re earning less and less.
A) worrying
B) exciting
C) frightened
D) interesting
19. A: You are yawning. Are you listening to what I am saying?”
B: I am! I’m really _____. I want to know what happened. It’s just
that I feel very _____. I went to bed very late last night.
A) surprised / tiring
B) excited / worrying
C) interested / tired
D) frightened / bored
20. “I’m going on a three-month holiday to the Far East.”
“How _____! Lucky you!”
A) frightening
B) interested
C) boring
D) exciting
21. “Was your father _____ when you told him your exam results?”
“He was furious.”
A) annoyed
B) worrying
C) frightened
D) tired
22. “What _____ to do?”
“I’m looking for my contact lens. Can you see it?”
A) do you try
B) will you try
C) are you trying
D) did you try
23. “I’ll help you. What _____ me to do?”
“Could you do the washing-up while I am doing the cooking?”
A) you want
B) are you wanting
C) did you want
D) do you want
24. “What _____ you to do?”
“She (the doctor) told me to stay in bed for a few days.”
A) will she tell
B) did she tell
C) is she going to tell
D) does she tell
25. “My mother was so helpful while she was staying with us”
“What _____ to do?”
A) did she help you
B) does she help you
C) will she help you
D) was she helping you
26. “What _____ to do tonight?”
“What about going out for a meal?”
A) do you like
B) would you like
C) are liking
D) will you like
27. “What _____ to do after university?”
“I’d like to get a job in publishing.”
A) do you hope
B) will you hope
C) are you going to hope
D) are you hope
28. My family is trying _____ where to go on holiday.
A) decided
B) decide
C) to decide
D) deciding
29. I’d like _____ somewhere different for a change.
A) went
B) to go
C) go
D) going
30. I enjoy _____ places I’ve never been to before.
A) visiting
B) to visit
C) visits
D) visit
31. But my children hate _____.
A) sightsee
B) to sightsee
C) sightseeing
D)will sightsee
32. They prefer _____ in a swimming pool all day.
A) playing
B) plays
C) to play
D) to playing
33. They refuse _____ out on trips if it’s too hot.
A) to going
B) to go
C) going
D) go
34. Last year we managed _____ a holiday that suited everyone.
A) found
B) to find
C) find
D) finding
35. We decided _____ a house with a swimming pool.
A) renting
B) rent
C) to renting
D) to rent
36. A woman from a travel agency helped us _____ a nice house.
A) to choose
B) choosing
C) chooses
D) too choose
37. When we arrived, the people next door invited us _____ a drink
with them.
A) have
B) to have
C) to had
D) having
38. We began _____ about next year’s holiday two months ago.
A) talked
B) talking
C) talks
D) talk
39. Everyone hopes ____ themselves on holiday but it isn’t always easy.
A) enjoy
B) to enjoy
C) be enjoyed
D) enjoying
40. My wife and I are starting _____ we should stay at home.
A) thinking
B) think
C) to think
D) thought
41. I went to the shops _____ some shoes.
A) buy B) for to buy
C) to buy D) for buy
42. Do you enjoy _____?
A) dance
B) dancing
C) danced
D) to dance
43. When I was young, I _____ ice-skating.
A) went to
B) go
C) used to go
D) going
44. He told me he loved me. I didn’t know what _____.
A) to say
B) say
C) will I say
D) saying
45. Their house is _____ mess! I don’t know how they live in it.
A) so
B) such an
C) so many
D) such a
46. There were _____ people at the party! There was nowhere to dance.
A) such a
B) so many
C) so much
D) such
47. I’m _____ hungry. I could eat a horse.
A) so
B) such a
C) such
D) so much
48. Jane and Pete are _____ nice people! But I can’t stand their kids.
A) so many
B) so
C) such a
D) such
49. I’ve spent _____ money this week! I don’t know where it’s all gone.
A) such
B) so many
C) so much
D) so
50. A present! For me? You’re _____ kind!
A) such
B) so many
C) so
D) such a
1-C 2-D 3-D 4-A 5-C 6-C 7-A 8-B
9-C 10-B 11-D 12-B 13-C 14-D 15-C 16-A
17-D 18-A 19-C 20-D 21-A 22-C 23-D 24-B
25-A 26-B 27-A 28-C 29-B 30-A 31-C 32-A
33-B 34-B 35-D 36-A 37-B 38-B 39-B 40-C
41-C 42-B 43-C 44-A 45-D 46-B 47-A 48-D
49-C 50-C