prefer , would rather, would prefer, had better

Exercise 1
- They prefer vegetables …………… meat.
- She prefers working ………….. studying at school.
- I prefer to send emails …………… phone.
- He prefers that flat …………… a house with a garden.
- They prefer to eat salad ……………. soup.
- I prefer this book …………. the book you are reading.
- He prefers to do puzles …………… do crosswords.
- I prefer listening to music …………. watching films.
- We prefer green olives …………………. black ones.
- You prefer to walk ……………. run in the countryside.
Exercise 2
- She prefers juice to/than/from fizzy drinks.
- Sarah rather have lunch on the deck but John prefers to eat/eating/eat in the kitchen.
- I prefer planes than/to/for
- I don’t like the theatre. I’d rather to go/go/going to a concert.
- I’m not very keen on computers. I prefer writing/write by hand.
- I’d rather speak to her in person to talk/to talking/than talk to her over the phone.
- I love reading books, but I prefer watch/watching
- She prefers studying lessons to do/to doing school projects.
- I prefer meat to/than/from
exercice 3. Rephrasing
- Bill would rather live with his grandparents than live with his father.
- I prefer eating fried eggs to eating boiled eggs.
- On Sundays we’d prefer to eat in a restaurant rather than at home.
- Lisa would prefer us not to meet in the library.
- We’d rather stay home than go to the gym.
- I prefer to search the internet rather than look up a word in the dictionary.
- They would prefer him to come in the morning.
- I’d rather have a part time job than no job at all.
- He prefers going out with a girl to dating online.
- I’d rather finish my homework now than leave it for tomorrow.
Exercise 4. Rephrasing
- She’d rather they did all the cooking.
- I’d rather you watered the plants.
- I’d prefer to go to school by bus rather than walk.
- They’d prefer to rent a house than rent an apartment.
- She’d rather I cleaned the windows.
- He would prefer her to feed the pet.
- I’d rather take the motorbike than take the bicycle.
- We’d rather you washed the car.
- They’d prefer me to inform the mother.
- I’d rather you made your bed.
- I’d rather they went to school.
- I’d prefer them to start working.
Exercise 5. Rephrasing
- Becky should go to the doctor pretty soon.
- Bill shouldn’t say those things.
- We should rest for a long time.
- He ought to search for the real information.
- He should go to a different shop.
- You should put the bread on the table.
- He shouldn’t tell lies to his mother.
- I oughtn’t to go to Paris.
- We shouldn’t write on the walls.
- The should listen to the teacher.
Exercise 1
- To
- To
- Rather than
- To
- Rather than
- To
- Rather than
- To
- To
- Rather than
Exercise 2
- To
- To eat/eating
- To
- Go
- Writing
- Than talk
- Watching
- To doing
- To
Exercise 3
- Bill prefers living with his grandparents than living with his father.
- I’d rather eat fried eggs than eat boiled eggs.
- On Sundays we’d rather eat in a restaurant rather than at home.
- Lisa would rather we don’t meet in the library.
- We’d prefer staying home rather than going to the gym.
- I’d rather search the internet than look up a word in the dictionary.
- They’d rather he came in the morning.
- I’d prefer to have a part time job rather than not job at all.
- He’d rather go out with a girl than date online.
- I’d prefer to finish my homework now rather than leave it for tomorrow.
Exercise 4
- She would prefer them to do all the cooking.
- I’d prefer you to water the plants.
- I’d rather go to school by bus than walk.
- They’d rather rent a house than an apartment.
- She’d prefer me to clean the windows.
- He would rather she fed the pet.
- I’d prefer taking the motorbike than taking the bicycle.
- We’d prefer you to wash the car.
- They’d rather I informed the mother.
- I’d prefer you to make your bed.
- I’d prefer them to go to school.
- I’d rather they started working.
Exercise 5
- She had better go to the doctor pretty soon.
- Bill had better not say those things.
- We’d better rest for a long time.
- We’d better search for a real information.
- He’d better go to a different shop.
- You’d better put the bread on the table.
- He’d better not tell lies to his mother.
- I’d better not go to Paris.
- We’d better not write on the walls.
- We’d better listen to the teacher.